Subscriptions and Kudos payout on Picarto.TV

How does payouts works on Picarto? When do i get my subscriptions or kudos provision payed out?

In order to collect the revenue through Picarto subscriptions or kudos, you need a verified and valid PayPal account. In addition to that, you must fill out all the information on the payment details page correctly and truthfully.

You can enter the payment details here:

Every 1st of a month all the revenues from the previous month will be summed up (Subscription, Kudos, etc) and a Payout Batch will be generated. The Payout Batch will be payed out to your paypal after 45days. The reason for this is to prevent fraudulent payments and buyer protection of Paypal.

You can see your Payout Batches under:

You can always see your current and past revenues Revenues in Detail here:

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Updated on 29. February 2024